컨텐츠 기반 필터링 실습 – TMDB 5000 Movie Dataset
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')
movies =pd.read_csv('./tmdb-5000-movie-dataset/tmdb_5000_movies.csv')
(4803, 20)
budget genres homepage id keywords original_language original_title overview popularity production_companies production_countries release_date revenue runtime spoken_languages status tagline title vote_average vote_count
0 237000000 [{"id": 28, "name": "Action"}, {"id": 12, "nam... http://www.avatarmovie.com/ 19995 [{"id": 1463, "name": "culture clash"}, {"id":... en Avatar In the 22nd century, a paraplegic Marine is di... 150.437577 [{"name": "Ingenious Film Partners", "id": 289... [{"iso_3166_1": "US", "name": "United States o... 2009-12-10 2787965087 162.0 [{"iso_639_1": "en", "name": "English"}, {"iso... Released Enter the World of Pandora. Avatar 7.2 11800
movies_df = movies[['id','title', 'genres', 'vote_average', 'vote_count',
'popularity', 'keywords', 'overview']]
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 100)
genres keywords
0 [{"id": 28, "name": "Action"}, {"id": 12, "name": "Adventure"}, {"id": 14, "name": "Fantasy"}, {... [{"id": 1463, "name": "culture clash"}, {"id": 2964, "name": "future"}, {"id": 3386, "name": "sp...
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4803 entries, 0 to 4802
Data columns (total 8 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 id 4803 non-null int64
1 title 4803 non-null object
2 genres 4803 non-null object
3 vote_average 4803 non-null float64
4 vote_count 4803 non-null int64
5 popularity 4803 non-null float64
6 keywords 4803 non-null object
7 overview 4800 non-null object
dtypes: float64(2), int64(2), object(4)
memory usage: 300.3+ KB
텍스트 문자 1차 가공. 파이썬 딕셔너리 변환 후 리스트 형태로 변환
from ast import literal_eval # 문자 가공해서 파이썬 객체생성해줌 // 문자그대로 평가
movies_df['genres'] = movies_df['genres'].apply(literal_eval)
movies_df['keywords'] = movies_df['keywords'].apply(literal_eval)
0 [{'id': 28, 'name': 'Action'}, {'id': 12, 'name': 'Adventure'}, {'id': 14, 'name': 'Fantasy'}, {...
Name: genres, dtype: object
movies_df['genres'] = movies_df['genres'].apply(lambda x : [ y['name'] for y in x])
movies_df['keywords'] = movies_df['keywords'].apply(lambda x : [ y['name'] for y in x])
movies_df[['genres', 'keywords']][:1]
genres keywords
0 [Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Science Fiction] [culture clash, future, space war, space colony, society, space travel, futuristic, romance, spa...
장르 콘텐츠 필터링을 이용한 영화 추천. 장르 문자열을 Count 벡터화 후에 코사인 유사도로 각 영화를 비교
장르 문자열의 Count기반 피처 벡터화
type(('*').join(['test', 'test2']))
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
# CountVectorizer를 적용하기 위해 공백문자로 word 단위가 구분되는 문자열로 변환.
movies_df['genres_literal'] = movies_df['genres'].apply(lambda x : (' ').join(x))
count_vect = CountVectorizer(min_df=0, ngram_range=(1,2))
genre_mat = count_vect.fit_transform(movies_df['genres_literal'])
#개별장르가 276개
# (4803, 276)
장르에 따른 영화별 코사인 유사도 추출
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
genre_sim = cosine_similarity(genre_mat, genre_mat)
(4803, 4803)
[[1. 0.59628479 0.4472136 ... 0. 0. 0. ]
[0.59628479 1. 0.4 ... 0. 0. 0. ]]
# 반환값은 np이지만 추출은 df을 써야하는 경우 => argsort
genre_sim_sorted_ind = genre_sim.argsort()[:, ::-1]
# [[ 0 3494 813 ... 3038 3037 2401]]
특정 영화와 장르별 유사도가 높은 영화를 반환하는 함수 생성
def find_sim_movie(df, sorted_ind, title_name, top_n=10):
# df, 기준인덱스, 기준영화, 10개 추천영화, 10개 추천
# 인자로 입력된 movies_df DataFrame에서 'title' 컬럼이 입력된 title_name 값인 DataFrame추출
title_movie = df[df['title'] == title_name]
# title_named을 가진 DataFrame의 index 객체를 ndarray로 반환하고
# sorted_ind 인자로 입력된 genre_sim_sorted_ind 객체에서 유사도 순으로 top_n 개의 index 추출
title_index = title_movie.index.values
similar_indexes = sorted_ind[title_index, :(top_n)]
# 추출된 top_n index들 출력. top_n index는 2차원 데이터 임.
#dataframe에서 index로 사용하기 위해서 1차원 array로 변경
print(similar_indexes) # 코사인유사도가 가장 높은
similar_indexes = similar_indexes.reshape(-1)
return df.iloc[similar_indexes]
similar_movies = find_sim_movie(movies_df, genre_sim_sorted_ind, 'The Godfather',10)
similar_movies[['title', 'vote_average']]
# 장르만 같으니 goodfellas같은 영화가 뒤로 밀려남
[[2731 1243 3636 1946 2640 4065 1847 4217 883 3866]]
title vote_average
2731 The Godfather: Part II 8.3
1243 Mean Streets 7.2
3636 Light Sleeper 5.7
1946 The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans 6.0
2640 Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead 6.7
4065 Mi America 0.0
1847 GoodFellas 8.2
4217 Kids 6.8
883 Catch Me If You Can 7.7
3866 City of God 8.1
평점이 높은 영화 정보 확인
movies_df[['title','vote_average','vote_count']].sort_values('vote_average', ascending=False)[:10]
# 평점수(votecount)가 낮으면 신뢰도가 떨어짐, vs shawshank redemption은 카운트도 높고 평점도 높고
title vote_average vote_count
3519 Stiff Upper Lips 10.0 1
4247 Me You and Five Bucks 10.0 2
4045 Dancer, Texas Pop. 81 10.0 1
4662 Little Big Top 10.0 1
3992 Sardaarji 9.5 2
2386 One Man's Hero 9.3 2
2970 There Goes My Baby 8.5 2
1881 The Shawshank Redemption 8.5 8205
2796 The Prisoner of Zenda 8.4 11
3337 The Godfather 8.4 5893
평가 횟수에 대한 가중치가 부여된 평점(Weighted Rating) 계산
가중 평점(Weighted Rating) = (v/(v+m)) * R + (m/(v+m)) * C
■ v: 개별 영화에 평점을 투표한 횟수 ■ m: 평점을 부여하기 위한 최소 투표 횟수 ■ R: 개별 영화에 대한 평균 평점. ■ C: 전체 영화에 대한 평균 평점
C = movies_df['vote_average'].mean()
m = movies_df['vote_count'].quantile(0.6)
print('C:',round(C,3), 'm:',round(m,3))
# C: 6.092 m: 370.2
percentile = 0.6
m = movies_df['vote_count'].quantile(percentile)
C = movies_df['vote_average'].mean()
def weighted_vote_average(record):
v = record['vote_count']
R = record['vote_average']
return ( (v/(v+m)) * R ) + ( (m/(m+v)) * C )
movies_df['weighted_vote'] = movies_df.apply(weighted_vote_average, axis=1)
title vote_average weighted_vote vote_count
1881 The Shawshank Redemption 8.5 8.396052 8205
3337 The Godfather 8.4 8.263591 5893
662 Fight Club 8.3 8.216455 9413
3232 Pulp Fiction 8.3 8.207102 8428
65 The Dark Knight 8.2 8.136930 12002
1818 Schindler's List 8.3 8.126069 4329
3865 Whiplash 8.3 8.123248 4254
809 Forrest Gump 8.2 8.105954 7927
2294 Spirited Away 8.3 8.105867 3840
2731 The Godfather: Part II 8.3 8.079586 3338
def find_sim_movie(df, sorted_ind, title_name, top_n=10):
title_movie = df[df['title'] == title_name]
title_index = title_movie.index.values
# top_n의 2배에 해당하는 쟝르 유사성이 높은 index 추출
similar_indexes = sorted_ind[title_index, :(top_n*2)] # 20개
similar_indexes = similar_indexes.reshape(-1)
# 기준 영화 index는 제외
similar_indexes = similar_indexes[similar_indexes != title_index]
# top_n의 2배에 해당하는 후보군에서 weighted_vote 높은 순으로 top_n 만큼 추출
return df.iloc[similar_indexes].sort_values('weighted_vote', ascending=False)[:top_n]
similar_movies = find_sim_movie(movies_df, genre_sim_sorted_ind, 'The Godfather',10)
similar_movies[['title', 'vote_average', 'weighted_vote']]
title vote_average weighted_vote
2731 The Godfather: Part II 8.3 8.079586
1847 GoodFellas 8.2 7.976937
3866 City of God 8.1 7.759693
1663 Once Upon a Time in America 8.2 7.657811
883 Catch Me If You Can 7.7 7.557097
281 American Gangster 7.4 7.141396
4041 This Is England 7.4 6.739664
1149 American Hustle 6.8 6.717525
1243 Mean Streets 7.2 6.626569
2839 Rounders 6.9 6.530427
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