
멕시코식당 주문 CHIPOTLE

1. 탐색 : 기본정보 살펴보기

  • 데이터셋의 기본 정보
  • 데이터셋의 행과열, 데이터
  • 데이터셋의 수치적 특징 파악
  • tsv 셀구분 \t tab 구분 sep = \t설정
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('chipotle.tsv', sep ='\t')

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 4622 entries, 0 to 4621
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column              Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------              --------------  ----- 
 0   order_id            4622 non-null   int64 
 1   quantity            4622 non-null   int64 
 2   item_name           4622 non-null   object
 3   choice_description  3376 non-null   object
 4   item_price          4622 non-null   object
dtypes: int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 180.7+ KB
# (4622, 5)

	order_id	quantity	item_name	choice_description	item_price
0	1	1	Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa	NaN	$2.39
1	1	1	Izze	[Clementine]	$3.39
2	1	1	Nantucket Nectar	[Apple]	$3.39
3	1	1	Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa	NaN	$2.39
4	2	2	Chicken Bowl	[Tomatillo-Red Chili Salsa (Hot), [Black Beans...	$16.98
Index(['order_id', 'quantity', 'item_name', 'choice_description',
# RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4622, step=1)

수치적 특징 파악

	order_id	quantity
count	4622.000000	4622.000000
mean	927.254868	1.075725
std	528.890796	0.410186
min	1.000000	1.000000
25%	477.250000	1.000000
50%	926.000000	1.000000
75%	1393.000000	1.000000
max	1834.000000	15.000000
# df['order_id'] = str(df['order_id'])
df['order_id'] = df['order_id'].astype(str)

count	4622.000000
mean	1.075725
std	0.410186
min	1.000000
25%	1.000000
50%	1.000000
75%	1.000000
max	15.000000
# item_name 종류 출력하기
# 50

탐색과 시각화

# item별 주문 수량 조회 가장많이 주문 top10개 출력

Chicken Bowl                    726
Chicken Burrito                 553
Chips and Guacamole             479
Steak Burrito                   368
Canned Soft Drink               301
Chips                           211
Steak Bowl                      211
Bottled Water                   162
Chicken Soft Tacos              115
Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa    110
Name: item_name, dtype: int64
# 아이템당 주문 갯수 조회
6 Pack Soft Drink                         54
Barbacoa Bowl                             66
Barbacoa Burrito                          91
Barbacoa Crispy Tacos                     11
Barbacoa Salad Bowl                       10
Barbacoa Soft Tacos                       25
Bottled Water                            162
Bowl                                       2
Burrito                                    6
Canned Soda                              104
Canned Soft Drink                        301
Carnitas Bowl                             68
Carnitas Burrito                          59
Carnitas Crispy Tacos                      7
Carnitas Salad                             1
Carnitas Salad Bowl                        6
Carnitas Soft Tacos                       40
Chicken Bowl                             726
Chicken Burrito                          553
Chicken Crispy Tacos                      47
Chicken Salad                              9
Chicken Salad Bowl                       110
Chicken Soft Tacos                       115
Chips                                    211
Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa             110
Chips and Guacamole                      479
Chips and Mild Fresh Tomato Salsa          1
Chips and Roasted Chili Corn Salsa        22
Chips and Roasted Chili-Corn Salsa        18
Chips and Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa     43
Chips and Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa       48
Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa     31
Chips and Tomatillo-Red Chili Salsa       20
Crispy Tacos                               2
Izze                                      20
Nantucket Nectar                          27
Salad                                      2
Side of Chips                            101
Steak Bowl                               211
Steak Burrito                            368
Steak Crispy Tacos                        35
Steak Salad                                4
Steak Salad Bowl                          29
Steak Soft Tacos                          55
Veggie Bowl                               85
Veggie Burrito                            95
Veggie Crispy Tacos                        1
Veggie Salad                               6
Veggie Salad Bowl                         18
Veggie Soft Tacos                          7
Name: order_id, dtype: int64
# ['1' '2' '3' ... '1832' '1833' '1834']
# 1834
# ['1' '2' '3' ... '1832' '1833' '1834']
# 1834

4617    1833
4618    1833
4619    1834
4620    1834
4621    1834
Name: order_id, dtype: object
# 간단한 시각화
# item당 주문 개수를 시각화로 출력하기
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
order_count =df.groupby('item_name')['order_id'].count()
order_count = order_count.sort_values(ascending=False)

Chicken Bowl                             726
Chicken Burrito                          553
Chips and Guacamole                      479
Steak Burrito                            368
Canned Soft Drink                        301
Steak Bowl                               211
Chips                                    211
Bottled Water                            162
Chicken Soft Tacos                       115
Chicken Salad Bowl                       110
Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa             110
Canned Soda                              104
Side of Chips                            101
Veggie Burrito                            95
Barbacoa Burrito                          91
Veggie Bowl                               85
Carnitas Bowl                             68
Barbacoa Bowl                             66
Carnitas Burrito                          59
Steak Soft Tacos                          55
6 Pack Soft Drink                         54
Chips and Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa       48
Chicken Crispy Tacos                      47
Chips and Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa     43
Carnitas Soft Tacos                       40
Steak Crispy Tacos                        35
Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa     31
Steak Salad Bowl                          29
Nantucket Nectar                          27
Barbacoa Soft Tacos                       25
Chips and Roasted Chili Corn Salsa        22
Chips and Tomatillo-Red Chili Salsa       20
Izze                                      20
Chips and Roasted Chili-Corn Salsa        18
Veggie Salad Bowl                         18
Barbacoa Crispy Tacos                     11
Barbacoa Salad Bowl                       10
Chicken Salad                              9
Veggie Soft Tacos                          7
Carnitas Crispy Tacos                      7
Burrito                                    6
Carnitas Salad Bowl                        6
Veggie Salad                               6
Steak Salad                                4
Salad                                      2
Bowl                                       2
Crispy Tacos                               2
Chips and Mild Fresh Tomato Salsa          1
Veggie Crispy Tacos                        1
Carnitas Salad                             1
Name: order_id, dtype: int64
item_name_list = order_count.index.tolist()
order_cnt = order_count.values.tolist()
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
ax.bar(item_name_list, order_cnt, align = 'center')
plt.xlabel('item Name')
ax.set_xticklabels(item_name_list, rotation = 45)
plt.title('Distribution of all ordered item')

item_qty = df.groupby('item_name')['quantity'].sum()
item_qty = item_qty.sort_values(ascending=False)[:10]

item_name_list = item_qty.index.tolist()
sell_cnt = item_qty.values.tolist()

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20,5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

ax.bar(item_name_list, sell_cnt, align = 'center')
plt.xlabel('item Name')
ax.set_xticklabels(item_name_list, rotation = 45)
plt.title('Distribution of all sell item')


0        $2.39 
1        $3.39 
2        $3.39 
3        $2.39 
4       $16.98 
4617    $11.75 
4618    $11.75 
4619    $11.25 
4620     $8.75 
4621     $8.75 
Name: item_price, Length: 4622, dtype: object
# 숫자형으로 바꾸려면

df['item_price'] = df['item_price'].apply(lambda x : float(x[1:]))

0     2.39
1     3.39
2     3.39
3     2.39
4    16.98
Name: item_price, dtype: float64

count    4622.000000
mean        7.464336
std         4.245557
min         1.090000
25%         3.390000
50%         8.750000
75%         9.250000
max        44.250000
Name: item_price, dtype: float64
# 주문당 평균 계산금액

	order_id	item_price
0	1	2.39
1	1	3.39
2	1	3.39
3	1	2.39
4	2	16.98
# 18.811428571428717

count    1834.000000
mean       18.811429
std        11.652512
min        10.080000
25%        12.572500
50%        16.200000
75%        21.960000
max       205.250000
Name: item_price, dtype: float64
order_group_tot = df.groupby('order_id').sum()

	quantity	item_price
1	4	11.56
10	2	13.20
100	2	10.08
1000	2	20.50
1001	2	10.08
...	...	...
995	3	24.95
996	4	43.00
997	2	22.50
998	2	10.88
999	5	29.25


results = order_group_tot[order_group_tot.item_price >= 50]
	quantity	item_price
1006	8	71.40
1051	7	59.35
1360	6	52.18
1443	35	160.74
1449	11	95.39
1454	10	85.24
1483	14	139.00
1559	16	82.44
1586	6	51.20
1660	19	70.25
1764	7	55.55
1786	20	114.30
1825	6	66.50
195	8	81.00
205	12	109.90
343	7	54.05
488	6	50.90
491	10	102.00
511	17	104.59
561	10	52.45
577	11	71.15
691	11	118.25
759	18	86.30
818	9	70.85
848	7	55.45
916	8	52.45
926	23	205.25
953	8	81.14

['1006' '1051' '1360' '1443' '1449' '1454' '1483' '1559' '1586' '1660'
 '1764' '1786' '1825' '195' '205' '343' '488' '491' '511' '561' '577'
 '691' '759' '818' '848' '916' '926' '953']
df[df['order_id'] == '1006']

	order_id	quantity	item_name	choice_description	item_price
2529	1006	1	Chicken Soft Tacos	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Sour Cream, Lettuce]]	8.75
2530	1006	1	Veggie Bowl	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Chees...	11.25
2531	1006	1	Steak Bowl	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Cheese, Sour Cream...	9.25
2532	1006	1	Chicken Burrito	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Cheese, Sour Cream...	11.25
2533	1006	1	Chicken Bowl	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables, Rice,...	8.75
2534	1006	1	Chicken Burrito	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Chees...	8.75
2535	1006	1	Chicken Burrito	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Chees...	11.25
2536	1006	1	Chips	NaN	2.15

	order_id	quantity	item_name	choice_description	item_price
448	195	1	Chicken Burrito	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Cheese, Sour Cream...	8.75
449	195	1	Chicken Bowl	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Chees...	8.75
450	195	1	Barbacoa Burrito	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables, Rice,...	11.75
451	195	1	Chicken Burrito	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Fajita Vegetables, Rice,...	8.75
452	195	1	Chicken Burrito	[Fresh Tomato Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans, Chees...	11.25
...	...	...	...	...	...
4590	1825	1	Chicken Bowl	[Roasted Chili Corn Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans,...	11.25
4591	1825	1	Chicken Bowl	[Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa, [Rice, Black Beans...	8.75
4592	1825	1	Barbacoa Burrito	[Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa, [Rice, Fajita Vege...	11.75
4593	1825	1	Carnitas Bowl	[Roasted Chili Corn Salsa, [Rice, Sour Cream, ...	11.75
4594	1825	1	Barbacoa Bowl	[Roasted Chili Corn Salsa, [Pinto Beans, Sour ...	11.75
  • 6명이 해야할 것,
  • 마스크 살수있는 것
  • 세부적으로, 화장실 위치,
  • 내가 정말 필요할까?,
  • 출산율이 떨어지니깐 각지역별 출산율 > 각정보가지고 분석
  • 왜 특이점이 생겼는가? 하나가 아니라 관련된 것 모두 가져오기
  • 얼굴인식, 딥러닝
# 각 단가 구하기
item_two_price = df[df.quantity == 2]

	quantity	item_name	item_price
4	2	Chicken Bowl	16.98
18	2	Canned Soda	2.18
51	2	Canned Soda	2.18
135	2	Chicken Salad Bowl	22.50
148	2	Steak Burrito	17.98
...	...	...	...
4435	2	Chicken Bowl	17.50
4499	2	Canned Soft Drink	2.50
4560	2	Canned Soft Drink	2.50
4561	2	Chicken Salad Bowl	17.50
4582	2	Bottled Water	3.00
price_one_item  = df.groupby('item_name').min()
price_one_item = price_one_item['item_price']

6 Pack Soft Drink                        6.49
Barbacoa Bowl                            8.69
Barbacoa Burrito                         8.69
Barbacoa Crispy Tacos                    8.99
Barbacoa Salad Bowl                      9.39
Barbacoa Soft Tacos                      8.99
Bottled Water                            1.09
Bowl                                     7.40
Burrito                                  7.40
Canned Soda                              1.09
Canned Soft Drink                        1.25
Carnitas Bowl                            8.99
Carnitas Burrito                         8.69
Carnitas Crispy Tacos                    8.99
Carnitas Salad                           8.99
Carnitas Salad Bowl                      9.39
Carnitas Soft Tacos                      8.99
Chicken Bowl                             8.19
Chicken Burrito                          8.19
Chicken Crispy Tacos                     8.49
Chicken Salad                            8.19
Chicken Salad Bowl                       8.75
Chicken Soft Tacos                       8.49
Chips                                    1.99
Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa             2.29
Chips and Guacamole                      3.89
Chips and Mild Fresh Tomato Salsa        3.00
Chips and Roasted Chili Corn Salsa       2.95
Chips and Roasted Chili-Corn Salsa       2.39
Chips and Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa    2.95
Chips and Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa      2.95
Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa    2.39
Chips and Tomatillo-Red Chili Salsa      2.39
Crispy Tacos                             7.40
Izze                                     3.39
Nantucket Nectar                         3.39
Salad                                    7.40
Side of Chips                            1.69
Steak Bowl                               8.69
Steak Burrito                            8.69
Steak Crispy Tacos                       8.69
Steak Salad                              8.69
Steak Salad Bowl                         9.39
Steak Soft Tacos                         8.99
Veggie Bowl                              8.49
Veggie Burrito                           8.49
Veggie Crispy Tacos                      8.49
Veggie Salad                             8.49
Veggie Salad Bowl                        8.75
Veggie Soft Tacos                        8.49
Name: item_price, dtype: float64
plt.title('Histogram of item price')


price_top10 = price_one_item.sort_values(ascending = False)

Carnitas Salad Bowl                      9.39
Steak Salad Bowl                         9.39
Barbacoa Salad Bowl                      9.39
Barbacoa Soft Tacos                      8.99
Carnitas Salad                           8.99
Carnitas Crispy Tacos                    8.99
Steak Soft Tacos                         8.99
Carnitas Bowl                            8.99
Carnitas Soft Tacos                      8.99
Barbacoa Crispy Tacos                    8.99
Veggie Salad Bowl                        8.75
Chicken Salad Bowl                       8.75
Carnitas Burrito                         8.69
Barbacoa Burrito                         8.69
Barbacoa Bowl                            8.69
Steak Bowl                               8.69
Steak Burrito                            8.69
Steak Salad                              8.69
Steak Crispy Tacos                       8.69
Veggie Soft Tacos                        8.49
Chicken Crispy Tacos                     8.49
Veggie Bowl                              8.49
Veggie Burrito                           8.49
Veggie Crispy Tacos                      8.49
Veggie Salad                             8.49
Chicken Soft Tacos                       8.49
Chicken Salad                            8.19
Chicken Burrito                          8.19
Chicken Bowl                             8.19
Burrito                                  7.40
Bowl                                     7.40
Salad                                    7.40
Crispy Tacos                             7.40
6 Pack Soft Drink                        6.49
Chips and Guacamole                      3.89
Izze                                     3.39
Nantucket Nectar                         3.39
Chips and Mild Fresh Tomato Salsa        3.00
Chips and Roasted Chili Corn Salsa       2.95
Chips and Tomatillo Green Chili Salsa    2.95
Chips and Tomatillo Red Chili Salsa      2.95
Chips and Roasted Chili-Corn Salsa       2.39
Chips and Tomatillo-Green Chili Salsa    2.39
Chips and Tomatillo-Red Chili Salsa      2.39
Chips and Fresh Tomato Salsa             2.29
Chips                                    1.99
Side of Chips                            1.69
Canned Soft Drink                        1.25
Canned Soda                              1.09
Bottled Water                            1.09
Name: item_price, dtype: float64
df.groupby('order_id').sum()["item_price"].sort_values(ascending = False)[:5]

926     205.25
1443    160.74
1483    139.00
691     118.25
1786    114.30
Name: item_price, dtype: float64
result1 = df.groupby('order_id').sum()
result2 = result1['item_price']
df.groupby('order_id').sum().sort_values(by = 'item_price', ascending = False)[:5]
result1 = df.groupby('order_id').sum()
result2 = result1.sort_values(by="item_price",ascending = False)
df.groupby('order_id').sum().sort_values(by = 'quantity', ascending = False)[:10]

	quantity	item_price
1443	35	160.74
926	23	205.25
1786	20	114.30
1660	19	70.25
759	18	86.30
511	17	104.59
1559	16	82.44
1483	14	139.00
205	12	109.90
691	11	118.25
df_salad = df[df['item_name'] == 'Veggie Salad Bowl']

# 18
# 18
df_salad = df_salad.drop_duplicates(['item_name', 'order_id'])
# 18



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